Friday, August 6, 2010

Bangkok Trip 2010

Enjoying each day of the trip ....

simply love them :p
acrylic nails
can't fit everything into the luggage
A & W - the missing fast food.
thai massage
making a living
breakfast view
nissin cup noodles @ sgd5 ?? lol
looking at the food menu ...
It was a FRUITFUL one !
30th July 2010 - 3rd August 2010

with my one and only Dear Jason Kang ..
thank you for making this trip a wonderful one , love you , muackssss!

planning for another holiday , though, ... hehe
he's gonna kill me ! -.-

good night everyone .

tuk-tuk ride filming @ chinatown

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dust,dust,dust !!!

I'm so lethargic !!!
Really need a good body massage right now. Body is aching very much.

Slept @ 9am yesterday and woke up @ 4pm = 7hrs of sleep. Luckily, my dear called me and asked me about whether i need a new viva casing :) I was late for my "spring-cleaning plan" ! Yes, i needed to clean up our bedroom as it was in the worst condition ever !

wirings , soft toys , clothes , bags , plastic bags , paper bags , dust , hair-falls , dead skins ... etc
Please imagine how a room can be so DAMN MESSY !!!!

Of cause , i started cleaning right after a wake-up smoke. @5pm
pack, clean , pack, clean ~~~ sweep, mop , sweep,mop ~~~ cleaning was in progress ...
sneeze & sneeze , rub & rub (rub eyes)
listening to my favorite WWE wrestlers' theme songs - motivated ! ^.^
Damn hungry -,- half way through my "spring-cleaning"... had my first meal @ 1230am which dear had bought from Toa Payoh Lor 8 's carrot cake & ba chor mee !!! *burped* (and it was the only meal for the day)
Continued with the last part of cleaning and arranging, timed @230am :o and FINALLY !

i can't really remember when was the last time our bedroom was FULLY cleaned . probably about 6 months ago ? hehe... it's not that i'm lazy to do a full-clean but it's sometimes inconvenient to do it.

I can smell a clean & fresh comfy bedroom now ! At least i know that my efforts didn't go to waste because of dear's comment : " Wa ! you pack until like that ar ? " He didn't praise me but I understand what he was trying to say. It was really hard work!

Soon after, we started to check out on our Bangkok hotels which we had not booked ! Will be leaving on 30th july 2010 , coming back on 3rd august 2010. Surf through and had decided to stay @ Baiyoke Suite Hotel .

Watching TV until now ... YAWNZZZZzzzzzZZzz !!! Time to sleep... hope i will have a sweet dream later. *koonz*

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Phone Call

How often do you recieve phone calls from, or rather u will call ur frens ? It's been a while since i've last talked to Nicole ( my ex-colleague) until i called her the day before, when she came back from Iran .

No doubt, ppl will talk abt u after u leave ur ex company . True enough , Nic told me tat BASTARD B asked her to be careful of me as im not tat simple to be dealt with...
Blank, he couldn't think of anything to cover wat he had said to Nic , so he juz anyhow tok abt my PR thing! In the first place, it's none of his fucking business!! Nic , then, tried to explain to him cos when i knew of my PR approval , Nic was on the phone with me. So she clearly knew wat was going on tat day! Bastard B told her tat I could be putting up a SHOW !!! Why would i wanna put up such a SHOW for ppl to see ? It's already shameful enough tat my PR application took suck a long long time to be approved! Really dun understand wat r these BASTARDS trying to tell ppl ... tat they r of great judgement?

So, how's the feeling when ppl removed and replaced you with a new colleague from wat u r,and after so much hard work had been put in just because of a' 2days MC ' with sore eyes ? I even pleaded with HER to allow me to continue with my position as it was my effort after all! Let me tell you , it's terrible ! I got over it after 10mins! LOL... Since u want my position so much , fine, i'll hand over everything to you...and i've always reminded you to ask if u r not sure abt anything. Thank God ! Everything reveals in it's own way! Out of favoritism, SHE choose YOU! i really dunno how to boot lick ! and NOW it's the BOSS come complaining abt this "YOU" ! and SHE asked Nic whether to replace YOU again! We were right in the first place ! YOU are not suitable in tat position ! OH pls if you think tat i'm jealous of you , pls pls pls !!! i'm so much happier now tat i've realised early how ugly can a company turn into!! wahahahaha!!!

Hence ..... our conversation lasted for abt 1hr++ it was den 1230am.
This phone call made me realised that i was right to leave the company !